It has certainly gotten hot in a hurry this year! After a wet/cool start to the season mother nature didn't want us to get spoiled so she threw the hottest temp we've seen in 3 summers yesterday. We topped out at 93 on our weather station. For those of you from other areas of the country, don't judge, it's not 100+ but when you're nearly a mile and quarter closer to the sun it feels pretty darn hot!!!
As you know we are celebrating our 50th Anniversary of golf here at JHGTC and with 50 years of traffic, snow cover, poor soils, etc. it starts getting tough to get moisture into the soil and keep it there when we get this hot. We are working extremely hard to obtain that balance of just enough moisture to keep the turf alive and little enough to play firm and fast. That being said there will be a few wet areas out there, especially early in the morning, seemingly right next to dry areas..thus the nature of our soils. We have been training up the staff on hand watering techniques and are spending a lot time hand watering greens in order to keep them firm.
A couple of project notes: we aerified tees this last week, rented a 51" drum roller and rolled some select tees. This, in addition to some sand topdressing will aid in leveling and maintaining flat surfaces over time. Towards the middle of July we will be fixing all the road crossings where we removed cattle guards last year. The willows have started to grow up in the river bottom on #11 and we will begin cutting those back before long to open up the view and landing area that is getting difficult to see from the blue and white tees. Other than that we are into our normal maintenance schedule and it looks like it's getting busy..finally. I hope everyone has a great week and upcoming 4th of July weekend.
Momma and twins at the condos near #9 tee area. Have taken up residence on the golf course this year. Keep an eye out around ponds and heavily treed areas. |
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