There are all kinds of signs that spring is coming around the area...snow is certainly starting to recede, willows are getting some color, the robins have been around for several weeks, but today I spotted the first two mountain bluebirds (MBB's) of the season. That, for me anyway, is a refreshing sign that we are turning the corner towards warmer weather. The male mountain bluebirds, which have the striking powder blue color, show up 2-4 weeks prior to the females and begin looking for places to nest. We have 12-14 habitable MMB boxes on the course, we will be doing an inventory of how they wintered and make sure we have 16 ready to go by April 1st. We checked and cleaned all of them in the fall and had 10 active boxes, with 4-6 being used by MBB's and the others being inhabited by swallows. Even though the holes in the boxes were sized to spec from Audubon Int'l recommendations for MBB's the swallows continue to take up residence. It is an exciting time as we transition from winter to spring and I for one am ready to see some grass...even if it is dormant for another several weeks.
All that being said we may get a little snow tomorrow, NWS calling for a couple of inches. If that happens we will groom the track again. We ended up with 1-2" on Friday night so we groomed the track Saturday morning and it was just enough snow to create a good surface for both traditional and skate skiing. Have a great week.
All that being said we may get a little snow tomorrow, NWS calling for a couple of inches. If that happens we will groom the track again. We ended up with 1-2" on Friday night so we groomed the track Saturday morning and it was just enough snow to create a good surface for both traditional and skate skiing. Have a great week.
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