Saturday, March 22, 2014

It's officially spring!

Well spring has officially arrived as of Thursday the 20th..of course we all know spring means different things in the our area.  Anything from beautiful warm blue bird days to cold snowy spring storms..let's keep our fingers crossed the snow stays up high and we can start really thawing out in the valley.  We have seen some pretty nice days, a little cool, but the sunshine has been fantastic.  It is really starting to melt the snow around the course and it is creating an impossible situation with the cross country track and our capabilities to keep it groomed.  That being said, please stay just adjacent to the track if you are skate skiing on the hard, early morning conditions. 

The snow melt on the greens is happening in earnest and we are out this weekend monitoring them and putting out more black sand.  We do have some concerns with a few greens and ice build up.  The ground is still frozen solid and with all the moisture we got in February some areas have significant ice and impedes the surface drainage on some greens.  We are being pro-active by carving out drainage areas around the greens and adding more black sand to facilitate the melt and give it some place to go.  We will be breaking up any ice areas and removing the ice by hand where it is overly concerning.  This could be a year where we do a lot of seeding and sodding due to ice damage in fairways and around greens.  We will all keep our fingers crossed and continue to be pro active with respect to the greens.

There are a couple of coyotes that have been frequenting the area around #3 and #4, must be a carcass somewhere getting their attention.  In addition, the mother moose that has been working it's way around the property with her little one is now in the #4, #7 area.  We are giving them as much room as we can as we travel around the course and address the greens.

Please get out and enjoy the property..we only have one more week before we close the course and cross country track on April 1st.  We will being bringing on staff and worknig around the property, cleaning up from a long winter starting then.

Coyote #3

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