Sunday, August 26, 2012

Member Newsletter

Dear Membership,

The summer just continues move forward with no end in sight.  We had our first short frost delay this morning as the temperature on our weather station got down to 37 degrees..which is closer to 34-35 degrees on the course.  Looks like we may experience a little harder freeze on Friday night.  This signals, as we all know, that fall is just around the corner and those beautiful blue bird days with highs in the 60’s and 70’s aren’t far behind.  I appreciate everyone’s patience with the frost delays that will soon be upon us, and rest assured we will get everyone out as quickly as we can on those mornings. 

Thursday we are hosting our half of the Snake River Cup…GO JHGTC!!  After years of holding on to the cup we have let the Pines “borrow” it for a couple of years and it’s time to have bragging rights back on “the east bank”.  Good luck to all those that are competing and thank you for representing the club.

The big news on the course recently has been the increase in activity of bees, both on the course and around the clubhouse.  We have been putting up bee traps around the facilities and have gone through several cases of spray around the course.  That being said we are guests in their environment and as long as you aren’t aggressive with them they will tend not to be aggressive towards you.  We will continue to try and manage the situation keeping in mind that bees are the baseline for all living plants as they account for a significant percentage of all pollination that takes place on our planet.  Interesting fact: 1/3 of the food we eat in America comes from pollinating insects such as bees.

The golf course continues to play wonderfully and I am looking forward to cooler days so we can see some healthy growth on the course.  I want to thank everyone for continuing to use cart paths where available and not driving around approaches, greens and tees.  It is very easy to see what the compaction does to playing conditions..good example is the right side of #3 between the bunker and the cart path.  All the driving and parking in that area has made keeping healthy turf almost impossible.  You can see improvements in areas we have put signs and ropes.  Good example of that is to the left of number 12 can see how the area just next to the bunker has improved and the difference in turf quality where carts are exiting the fairway further up to the east.  I appreciate everyone’s help in their travels around the course.  Have a great week.


Andy Erskine, GCS

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