Monday, July 27, 2015

Taste of Fall

It looks like we are in for a taste of fall over the next couple of days..60's for highs and low 30's for low temps.  It has been an interesting summer to say the least for weather.  We are anticipating frost delays for the next couple of mornings, be prepared. 

The Club Championship was held over the weekend and it was a great success.  We had the greens up in the 11-11.5 range and course was playing great.  Here are the results I have so far:  Patti Cook was the winner of the Ladies flight; Brad Cook won the net total scoring; Erin Ackley won the gross total and David Clauss won the Hybrid Tee flight.  I will update with scores once I get them.  Congratulations to all that participated!

Next week is a big week for the club as we are hosting our 35th Annual Strutting Grouse Tournament, coordinated by our ladies to support St. John's Medical Center Oncology department as well as scholarships for local high school students.  They do a great job setting it up and we are so excited to be a part of something so rewarding for our community and local youth.  It will be a shotgun start at 8:30AM on Tuesday, August 4th.  It should be a great day for the ladies, the club and the community at large!!  Tomorrow, Tuesday July 28th, is the deadline for entry. If you are interested you can follow this link for an entry form:,%202015%5D.pdf

We have a new pair of twins on the course, in addition to the moose twin calves we now have twin deer running around.  Apparently twins are becoming pretty rare for many species that call home around here.  Continue to be vigilante when playing your rounds.  I got the pictures below just outside my back window over the weekend.

Have a great week!!



Friday, July 10, 2015

Welcome relief

Well after a week of 90+ degree days we've gotten an awesome break.  Little rain..cooler temps..very nice.  The golf course is in fantastic shape..little soft but playing well.  Play is definitely picking up and we appreciate everyone's continued effort with fixing ball marks, filling divots and adhering to signage with carts.

There is still a lot of wildlife on the golf course.  The mama and twin baby moose are still hanging around..last seen around #2 pond.  This morning during one of our staff meetings, behind the maintenance building, a bear cub ran by us on the other side of the creek.  It was moving pretty quick but we got a couple of pictures.  There was a golfer on #10 that proceeded to jump into the golf cart and go after the cub?!  PLEASE, PLEASE do not chase wildlife on the course.  If you are caught doing so you will be asked to leave and golf privileges will be in jeopardy.  We did not see mama this morning but she is certain to be close and getting between her and a cub or harassing the cub can be very say the least.  Thank you for being respectful of the wildlife and "giving them the right of way". 

Have a great weekend!!

Bear cub on #10