Our stretch of amazing above average temperatures and plentiful sunshine continues. I can't recall a spring that we have been this far along with turf recovery and the quality of the greens. It's certainly been a treat..that being said the weather looks get back to more typical May conditions with some rain and cooler temperatures slated for the end of the week.
As I mentioned, the greens are really working into shape as we continue to lower our mowing heights and roll them on a consistent basis. The little damage we had from ice and animals is healing nicely and the greens will only continue to get better. The mouse damage in the other areas is healing nicely as well and these warm temps and periodic rain is all we need to get those areas back in shape. We are focusing our efforts in the bunkers repairing the elk, moose and buffalo damage, cleaning out debris and re-distributing sand from the spring melt. We are making great progress and are so excited for a great season.
There continues to be numerous elk and moose around the property. The buffalo have finally arrived as well so enjoy the scenery and give the animals plenty of space. Remember, wildlife has the right of way at JHGTC. We have a pair of osprey in the east nest on #11 and a goose has poached the one to the west. Additionally, we had Lower Valley Energy put up another nest on the far west end of the property last year near #13 tee box and it has another osprey calling that one home. We also recently discovered a pair of red tailed hawks nesting just east of #8 in Grand Teton National Park that have been hunting frequently on east end of the property. They are really fun to watch!
We look forward to seeing everyone out on the course. Have a great week!
Tip of the day: Remembering when fixing ball marks on the greens to push in towards the mark with your tool and not lift up which can tear the roots. Pushing the ball mark in from the edges and then flattening with the bottom of your putter will increase healing time versus lifting up. Study's from Kansas State University shows that improperly repaired ball marks (lifting up) take twice as long to heal vs. those repaired correctly (pushing in).
Buffalo near #8 tee box over the weekend |
Juvenile moose last week |