Friday, September 26, 2014

The end in near....

Wow..what a great week of weather.  I don't think I can remember a stretch this nice in late September in recent years.  That being said it looks like it is all coming to a screeching halt over the weekend with rain and 50's/30's on the way.  We are going to have to amend our greens aerification schedule if the weather plays out as predicted.  Instead of Tuesday-Wednesday front and back nine closures it looks like it's going to be a Wednesday-Thursday or Thursday-Friday schedule.  It all depends on when the storm wraps up and we get some sunshine.  We truly appreciate everyone's patience with the process and will complete it as quickly as possible so we can have a few days of good golf before the closure on the 12th. 

The course is in some of the best shape of my tenure here at Golf & Tennis and I can't be more proud of the job Jeff Jensen, my Assistant, and the seasonal staff has done this year.  I look forward to putting the course "to bed" and getting ready for a great 2105 season.  Next year will be our 50th anniversary here at Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis and we are on track for something special.  Have a great weekend and enjoy the last few hours of summer?!?

Note the clouds...say goodbye to summer!?

Monday, September 22, 2014

Weekly update

What a great stretch of September weather we had last week.  We had a fantastic week on the course.  It was one of our busiest weeks of the summer with groups from the Wyoming Restaurant and Lodging Association, our annual Service Industry Cup,  two day Wyoming High School tournament and a slew of smaller outings.  Yesterday was our annual Fall Classic and we couldn't have asked for a better day to let the members have the golf course to themselves.

We have finished aerifying tees and approaches and the process went really well.  I am excited about our more aggressive agronomic plan for approaches to help increase firmness.  We are starting our fairway maintenance this week and will be vertical cutting starting on #1-2 today and continue in order around the course with plans to have them all verticut and cleaned up by Friday.  It is somewhat of a messy process but we will do our best to keep it clean and playable.  We got nearly 1/4" of rain overnight last night and it is continuing to rain today, so it will be soft out there. 

The moose are on the move and we have at least 5 around the course right now: 2 bulls (one very large one), two cows and a yearling.  They are pretty feisty right now so keep an eye out on your travels around the course.  Look forward to a great week before we start aerifying greens next Monday afternoon after the Big Money Monday group.


Saturday, September 13, 2014

Saturday delay...

Good morning..looks like 25 here this morning.  We will shoot for 10 AM start for the member challenge.  Have a great weekend!


Friday, September 12, 2014


It's cold out there today..we have 19 at the shop this morning.  That should really slow things down out on the golf course from a growth perspective.  We could realistically be looking at a 10:30 start this morning.  They are calling for mid to upper 20's tonight so we could have a delay beyond 9:30 for tomorrow as well.  Looks like warming temps next week, back into the 70's!  Have a great weekend.


Monday, September 8, 2014

Mondy morning update

What a great weekend we had..just beautiful weather.  We have 35 at the shop this morning so we are looking at 9-9:30 start times.  Have a great day.


Friday, September 5, 2014


Yesterday we had some technical difficulties with the blog and I was unable to post our first hard freeze of the year.  We ended up with 27 at the shop and had almost an hour and half delay. 

Today we are currently sitting at 32 so we will be some where around 9-9:15 for first tee times.  Looks like a little warmer overnight temps (upper 30's to low 40's) until mid next week when we drop back into the low-mid 30's.  Tis the time of year.  Hope everyone has a great weekend.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Monring update.....

Frost is going to be close this morning.  Currently 37 at the shop and the sun hasn't come up yet.  Generally drop a degree or two right before the sun hits us.  We will shoot for 8:30 tee times this morning.

There is already a freeze watch posted for tomorrow morning calling for lows between 25 and 30.  If we get down into the 20's we will be looking at 9:30-10 AM start times for Thursday morning.  I will update again in the morning with a more definite time.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014


Good morning..we hit 32 this morning at the course.  Will be at least an hour frost delay.  We will shoot for 9AM start on tee times this morning.  Looks like we will be frosting pretty regularly from here on out so keep checking the blog for updates.  Have a great day!


Monday, September 1, 2014

Frost update.......

Good morning,
Looks like about an hour frost delay this morning.  We have 33 currently at the shop and the sun is just coming up so we will drop another degree or two.  We got .22" of rain on Saturday.  That definitely puts us into a near record rainfall month.  I will continue to update the blog when we have frost.  Have a great Labor Day!!
