Wow..what a great week of weather. I don't think I can remember a stretch this nice in late September in recent years. That being said it looks like it is all coming to a screeching halt over the weekend with rain and 50's/30's on the way. We are going to have to amend our greens aerification schedule if the weather plays out as predicted. Instead of Tuesday-Wednesday front and back nine closures it looks like it's going to be a Wednesday-Thursday or Thursday-Friday schedule. It all depends on when the storm wraps up and we get some sunshine. We truly appreciate everyone's patience with the process and will complete it as quickly as possible so we can have a few days of good golf before the closure on the 12th.
The course is in some of the best shape of my tenure here at Golf & Tennis and I can't be more proud of the job Jeff Jensen, my Assistant, and the seasonal staff has done this year. I look forward to putting the course "to bed" and getting ready for a great 2105 season. Next year will be our 50th anniversary here at Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis and we are on track for something special. Have a great weekend and enjoy the last few hours of summer?!?
Note the clouds...say goodbye to summer!? |