Saturday, July 26, 2014

Frost delay

Good morning. Looks like a second consecutive frost delay. Currently 35 degrees at the shop so we will see 33-34 when the sun comes up.  We will shoot for 7:40 first tee time.  Have a great day.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Possible frost...

Currently 35 at the shop and the sun hasn't come up yet.  Looks like a short frost delay this last week of July.  We will shoot for 7:40 tee times.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Weekly update

What a great week we've had.  The golf course is starting to get busy.  July 4th weekend generally starts off the summer in full swing with many members arriving in town and it is apparent on the course. 

The mom and baby moose are still kicking around the property although with the warm temperatures they are not as active during the day.  The little one is really growing and is not so "little" anymore.

Every Tuesday night after the Ladies League goes off for their 9 hole outing we do course maintenance.  Every other week we verticut and topdress (sand) greens and on the alternate weeks we only topdress them.  Last night we started working on approaches.  Behind the greens, these and surrounds are the highest priority areas with respect to scoring and playability so we try and give them extra attention.  We got out our large verticutting unit, mower with vertical blades, that cuts grooves and removes thatch (dead grass and other organic material) and went after the approaches.  We will do this several times before the end of the season. This allows us to put down sand in the grooves and work on firming up the surfaces.  We will do the same to tee boxes in a couple of weeks.  It does not affect the playability of the course and most golfers won't notice it's even been done.  That being said it is one of the most effective agronomic tools we have, next to aerification, for maintaining healthy, firm surfaces.
Verticutting #4 approach

We have finished the tee box renovation on #6 and are finishing up the stair rebuilding this week.  It came out really nicely and will open up additional teeing opportunities once it heals..10 days or so and it should be ready for play.

Have a great day!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Summer is here?!

Summer in Jackson Hole generally starts around the 4th of July and it looks like we are going to be right on cue this year.  After some cool temperatures and rain last week we are slated for 80's finally  by the end of this week.  I think we are all ready for it!

We had our semi-annual cattle drive go by the golf course on Sunday.  The Lucas family does a great job of communicating and thanks to efforts of our staff and his "hands" we avoided any cattle on the golf course once again..see them in the fall on their way back to the Lucas Ranch.

We are also working #6 tee renovation this week and should be completed by Friday and then it's just a waiting game until it heals and we can mow it down.  We appreciate everyone's patience while we complete this project.  It will be well worth the effort as we will increase our teeing area significantly, especially from the white tees which see the most play.  Aside from that the course is playing really well and we, maintenance staff and crew, are getting into our summer groove.  Have a great day and 4th of July weekend!!


Frost delay...

Good morning..we have 35 degrees at the shop this morning and frost setting up in the rough.  Will have at least a 40 minute delay.  Have a great day!