First off, my apologies for not updating this in over a week. It has been a mad dash to get the course in shape for the coming season.
The course is coming around really nicely. We were able to verticut and topdress the greens last week and that helped them so much with respect to quality, ball roll, etc. They are still a little slow as we are taking our time bringing our height of cut down due to some of the areas that were affected by ice over the winter. We will be progressively step the heights down starting on Monday and should have speeds closer to were everyone wants them by next weekend. That being said, the greens are coming along wonderfully, as is the rest of the course. We will have the bunkers in shape this week as well. The weather has slowed us down, as it normally does in early May, but we are making really good progress. There are no "cold" storms in the forecast so we should see progressively better conditions from here on out.
I want to thank everyone for following our signage and staying away from high traffic areas and green surrounds. I attached a picture below that illustrates how compaction not only affects conditions during the playing season but the affect is has on winter kill. It is easy to see on #2 were golfers leave the cart path early, and consistently, how much more damage we sustained from winter kill this last year. So again, thanks for honoring our directional signage and ropes.
An update on the goose that took over the osprey nest on #11. This morning the mom kicked the young out of the nest..literally. The little ones are pretty resilient considering they fell from nearly 30 feet. I have never seen anything like it!?! I got some pictures once they were all together on the ground..pretty cute! Be aware that they may be around the bike path the leads past #11 for a while.