The summer seems to have really flown we are in August and we had our first signs of frost on the golf course yesterday morning with a low of 36 on the weather station. Nothing widespread just enough to remind us that we are on the back side of summer and headed towards fall. This is a good opportunity to remind everyone that the course is off limits to walkers/dogs especially in the early morning hours now that we are going to have frost on a regular basis..don't want to kill any grass.
The course is in great shape right now and I hope everyone is getting out to enjoy it. We are looking forward to our annual Strutting Grouse tournament on Tuesday. Should be nearly 120 avid golfers for a great day. Looks like the weather is going to cooperate and it should be beautiful. They will have a new tee deck to hit off of on #3 as we have opened the new forward tees for play. We have also installed a walking path between #4 green and #5 tee to shorten the distance for our walkers.
As the weather cools we will see the animals begin to "move" so be aware of your surroundings, there is at least one mom and yearling moose on the property and they can be very protective of their young. I have been charged several times by a mother moose with young near by. The elk will also start to move in the next 4-6 weeks so remember our motto.."wildlife has the right of way" and don't approach the wildlife. They can outpace any of our carts if they feel threatened. We had a bear on property and a mountain lion just to our east last fall and I will keep everyone posted if we have any predator spotttings over the coming months.
Get out and play..the scenery is spectacular as always and the wildlife viewing will only get better.
Andy Erskine, GCS
Little hard to see, but this family of ducks has been living in the pond on #13 all summer and moved up towards the creek by #1.