Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club Supports Mule Deer Research
Sara Fagan, Administrator - Conservation Research Center
January 19, 2012
In 2010, the Conservation Research Center of Teton Science Schools received funding from the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT) and Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) to conduct a three-year study on mule deer responses to roadways and human development in Teton County, Wyoming. 2012 marks the second year of our study with a focus on continued monitoring of mule deer movements and habitat use.
Last winter, we equipped 26 female mule deer with GPS collars. This winter, working with research partners, we deployed 14 additional collars in order to improve the study’s sample size and rigor. In total, we marked 40 animals with GPS collars from December 2010-January 2012.
As we increase the scope of the project, we are also expanding our network of partners. Most recently, Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club granted us permission to capture and collar deer on their property. This collaboration aligns with their other environmental initiatives, specifically as it relates to migration corridors and maintaining the “right of way” for wildlife.
Our work would not be possible without the support of landowners permitting use of their property. Thank you to all landowners, and special thanks to our newest partner, Jackson Hole Golf & Tennis Club.
In addition to landowners, key project partners include WY! DOT, FHWA, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, US Forest Service and National Park Service.